
I caulked all the edges, top and bottom, and the mitered corners and followed up the smoothed out lines with a damp rag to remove any excess caulk smudges.

This weekend I finished caulking and painting the door to my girls' room. Last week I added some inexpensive moulding to the front of their hollow-core door. There were some gaps in the mitered corners and the edges of the moulding pieces that needed caulking.
Caulk guns feel cumbersome and awkward to me, so I almost always use the tubes:
I usually use my finger to smooth the caulk lines, but these little tools are much more accurate and save my pointer finger tip from getting destroyed.
It's an easy process. Just run a thin line of caulk along the space where the moulding meets the door and then immediately follow up with the edger tool for a super smooth finish.
Here's a mid-smoothing shot:
I caulked all the edges, top and bottom, and the mitered corners and followed up the smoothed out lines with a damp rag to remove any excess caulk smudges.
I let the caulk dry for a day and then brushed in the details around the moulding and finally rolled on the paint (Glidden's Spicy Banana Pepper in high gloss - which, strangely, reminded me of a cheerleading dance class I took when I was like six maybe? Other than the Paula Abdul dance routine, I can only really remember one of the cheers that had some cute/sassafras hand rolling action: "Go. Bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S!" Repeated a bunch of times. Sort of annoying actually, but that didn't keep me from teaching my kids the cheer while I painted) .
Filling the corners and edges with caulk is a super easy step and it helps give a sad, cheap door a pretty legit look. It almost passes for an old wooden door now on first glance.
The shots of pure, bright color in our living room are a fun contrast to the sea of white walls and our black kitchen. I'm loving the addition of the yellow door! And it feels appropriate for the entrance to the girls' room - almost a little Alice in Wonderland maybe?